czwartek, 18 kwietnia 2013

How to connect to an Encrypted Tunnel using MyEnTunnel ?

[Image: ieq6viOQ6szdE.gif]

Hi Guys!
So today I'll be teaching you how to connect to an encrypted tunnel using MyEnTunnel, before I start here's a small explanation about the software( Taken from
Here ) :
Quote:MyEnTunnel is a simple system tray application (or NT service) that establishes and maintains TCP SSH tunnels. It does this by launching Plink (PuTTY Link) in the background and then monitors the process. If the Plink process dies (e.g. connection drops, server restarts or otherwise becomes unreachable) MyEnTunnel will automatically restart Plink to reestablish the tunnels in the background. It tries to use as little CPU and system resources as possible when monitoring (When the "Slow Polling" option is enabled it only does one context switch per second).
Since it uses Plink, you can use utilities such as Pageant (a SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP and Plink) and PuTTYgen (a RSA and DSA key generation utility), as well as named PuTTY sessions. All of the networking and encryption is done by plink.exe; not by MyEnTunnel.

So after you read some information about the software let's start!
first we'd like to download the required files.

you can either download it from Here or Here all at once(my upload).
now after we're done with downloading the files I'm gonna tell you how to use it, first click the myentunnel.exe, after you did that this window should pop up :
[Image: 2vXjs]

it popped out?
great now let's continue, I'm gonna use library : library: for this tutorial, you can use any other SSH Tunnel you'd like, now feel in the IP as the SSH Server username as the server username password as the server password port : I'm gonna use 5432 for this tut..
now after you've filled in all the required field you'd probably want to connect to the Encrypted Tunnel, so hit "Connect"
after you've clicked connect it should write stuff like this in the Settings tab
Quote:[date] plink.exe: username@ip's password:
[date] Sending password
[date] plink.exe: Sent password
[date] plink.exe: Access granted
[date] plink.exe: Local port PORT SOCKS dynamic forwarding
[date] Connection is stable
[date] Manually terminated
[date] Done
it did?
great ;D
now let's continue.
I'm using Firefox so I'm gonna explain how to use it for firefox,
now go to your browser, click Tools > Options
example :

[Image: 2vXCZ]

after you clicked it you'll want to click "Advanced > Network"
like this :

[Image: 2vXJK]

you clicked it?
great ;D
now click "Settings"
after you clicked it
edit it so it looks like mine :

[Image: 2vXPF]

(you can change the port but you'll have to do it in the MyEntunnel as well)
Click Ok and that's it!
you're connected! :)
to make sure it works got to or any other site that checks your IP and check it the IP matches to the SSH.

if it doesn't work / you need any help feel free to Comment.
Thank you for reading my tutorial.

Note: This tutorial is only for Educational Purposes, I did not take any responsibility of any misuse, you will be solely responsible for any misuse that you do. Hacking email accounts is criminal activity and is punishable under cyber crime and you may get upto 40 years of imprisonment, if got caught in doing so.

1 komentarz:

  1. Superb kind of work by the author as on this particular topic people needs more precise information and special attention to it.Thanks a lot.
